Right, but as a software maker, I could drop the prices of my software if I wanted to sell more units. I realize the installed base issue, but if they are making money on all three systems, threatening to not support one is just thuggish greed. It's not like they were LOSING money on any console, just making more on one. By their own logic, they should not support 360 OR PS3, keep pumping out recycled titles for the Wii alone since the dev cost is the lowest and installed base is the highest, Hell, they could even recycle assets from GC days on there.
The current situation is like BP mandating Ford lower car prices so they can sell more oil. Activision is a force for negative change in the games industry as they currently exist. No innovation, recycled content, milking franchises to death (how many GH's this year?), and a complete lack of creativity in their games and DLC.
The standalone quality of COD6 will be recycled, but if that's what people want, then that's their right... I'm not going to support it. I bought COD4, and was amazed at how underwhelming it was as single player as all the reviews said "I'd poop my pants." Really? Hearing "Durkah Durkah Jihad" shouted by muppets with the AI of the third Gungan to the left in Episode I is not exactly thrilling combat, especially when I can throw a flashbang and walk 200 yards unscathed, and IF they hit me I can just hide and magically regen health, and that's on Veteran? Poop my pants, indeed. May as well be called "Gritty Edgy Shooter 4 starring Lance Uppercut". Trash. I guess the newest crappy shooter devoid of any personality is better than last years model... even if last year's model is two years old and gets First Rate reviews despite being a Third Rate game.
The current situation is like BP mandating Ford lower car prices so they can sell more oil. Activision is a force for negative change in the games industry as they currently exist. No innovation, recycled content, milking franchises to death (how many GH's this year?), and a complete lack of creativity in their games and DLC.
The standalone quality of COD6 will be recycled, but if that's what people want, then that's their right... I'm not going to support it. I bought COD4, and was amazed at how underwhelming it was as single player as all the reviews said "I'd poop my pants." Really? Hearing "Durkah Durkah Jihad" shouted by muppets with the AI of the third Gungan to the left in Episode I is not exactly thrilling combat, especially when I can throw a flashbang and walk 200 yards unscathed, and IF they hit me I can just hide and magically regen health, and that's on Veteran? Poop my pants, indeed. May as well be called "Gritty Edgy Shooter 4 starring Lance Uppercut". Trash. I guess the newest crappy shooter devoid of any personality is better than last years model... even if last year's model is two years old and gets First Rate reviews despite being a Third Rate game.