Truly challenging games @%^$&*



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  • Deslock
    Darth Beratter

    Truly challenging games @%^$&*

    Okay, we all know what games you love, and which ones blow major goat ass.

    This next question is trickier....Which games do think that you've played are the very hardest. Now mind you, like I said, I don't mean games that were designed poorly that made you pissed off beyond belief. I'm talking about games you thought were well made, but just so damn hard that it made you holler out expletives, and spike your controller on the couch.

    My personal list.:

    Blazing Angels. (PS3)

    My Gawd, on the later levels, you're literally shot out of the air as soon as you spawn in the map. No shit. Really.:-x

    Assassin's creed. (PS3)


    An assassin that walks around in public in broad daylight, Ahem, wearing an assassins outfit. One that doesn't hideand hit his target from a safe getaway distance. Nope this assassin doesn't need any "chickenshit crossbows, blowguns, or poison" This assassin has elephant balls and kills his target surrounded by enemy soldiers. Beautiful game, fun to play..but dayum!!!!

    Rainbow 6 Las Vegas. (PS3)

    Two words....

    "theatre level".....


    Battlestar Galactica. (PS2)




    There is one level I just can't get past. Flying is indeed my forte...By this level has you manning gun platforms on both of Galactica's two main pylons, shooting enemy Cylon raiders and bombers. Notice I said "both" pylons.

    So then you literally have to jump from one side of the ship to the other, before the Cylons blow up the ship. You end up hopping around frantically like a one legged man in a ass kicking contest. And guess what, when you're shooting from one side, they're firing up the other. I swear this game made me invent a few new swear words.

    Drake's uncharted. (PS3)

    Great game. Wonderful puzzles and the graphics are stunning at the very worst. Except you have to hit each enemy up to three times to kill them. I found myself running out of ammo, long before I ran out off enemies.

    Star Trek Encounters. (PS2)

    You use one control to go up and down, another to go left and right, one control to target, and another to actually fire the weapons. You need two controllers and four arms to play this monster.

    Other games that caused me grief and expletives...Onimusha 3, Gun, God of War, Zelda ocarina of time, Silver surfer, and even @#$%$%^ Kirby on the NES. Which to this very day, I cannot beat the end Boss....Gah!!!

  • #2
    Honorary DSA

    Call of Duty 4 on Veteran

    The "No Fighting in the War Room" is almost impossible. Trying to fight veteran enemies and beat a clock, I have yet to beat it. I think I almost snapped my Xbox controller in half trying but I eventually just gave up.


    • #3
      Honorary DSA

      1. Multi: Ikaruga One of the most difficult games I've ever touched. It's painfully relentless. It's mindnumbingly difficult. You have to be a zen master to keep from grinding your teeth.

      [ame=""]YouTube - Ikaruga Chapter 1 - Ideal (Hard Mode)[/ame]

      2. COD:W@W Veteran Campaign. The only seriously tough game I've seen this generation. I tried looking on youtube for a video, but there aren't any, they are either on other difficulties with people SAYING they are on Vet. Even though I don't like COD as a franchise, I did love this campaign because of the sheer insanity of the difficulty. And I do love heaps of evil ridiculous, crushing difficulty. COD4 took me 4.5 hours tops (had phone calls and paused and stuff, this took me close to 3 weeks. Just insane. It's so tough that upon loading the game from a save file, at least 60% of the time you are dead before you can control the guy.

      3. Devil May Cry 3, hardest difficulty (cant remember name of setting I think Dante Must Die Mode, but can't remember). There were moments in this son of a bitch that I seriously thought about shaving my head and putting my fist through the TV and burning the house down with me in it pissing on my PS2. It's like having poison ivy on the inside of your eyeballs while being pissed on by a bunch of houseflies. MADDENING infuriating kind of shit.

      4. Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins, PSP. Yeah. I think my asshole still resembles a bloody wad of shredded placenta after thinking I was bad ass oldschool enough to tame this beast. Yeah right. This is a prison rapist the likes of which you won't believe, and it wears a cheese grater for a condom. Oh, you want some of that? "Yeah right Keyser, such hyperbole..." well help yourself... you'll go in like a lion, and come out like a kitten with its legs torn off and being pulled across the floor by a string through the sockets where it's eyes used to be by an unseen force, in addition to your destroyed pride, your very confidence as a badass gamer will suffer the equivalent of shitting your pants on the first day of school, every day, until you manage to somehow dig yourself out of the enormous ass beating you just gave yourself. Not for the timid or easily angered.

      5. Fire Emblem DS. Why do I do this to myself. You know, of course I love tactics, and the FE series is like Advance Wars oldschool brawl style. For the unbuttraped, FE series does this neat little thing... if ANY of your characters EVER dies in battle, they are permanently DEAD. You know that Aeris bullshit people were whining about... killed in the game? Imagine that happening at any point to any one of your characters. Pheonix Downs??? No no no. Dead. You can complete the mission, but no matter what, that knight/mage/etc you built up is dead forever... and some of the missions are so difficult there is virtually no way to complete them without losing at LEAST one character. Each map also usually gives you the ability to recruit one enemy, if you have the correct character perform the correct action. This "permanent death" mechanic is so severe, that it often takes MONTHS to beat a Fire Emblem game without losing a character... and this isn't some arcane remote experience in time, this is a game where the difficulty ratchets up early and often, so that performing a correct action may get you past one set of enemies, only to leave yourself vulnerable to a blindsided encounter with the grim reaper, as certain weapons deal INSANE damage to certain units. For example... you may have a bad ass knight attack a dude with a sword (auto advantage to your knight since he's armored AND is attack with a spear, which beats sword), BUT if the guy has an "armorslayer" class sword, guess whose knight just got rolled like a lil bitch? Oops. but you spent 4 hours on that battle? Restart, or the knight is dead forever.

      Honorable mentions that have put up good fights: Resident Evil (REMake GC), knife only. Castlevania, Mega Man (NON-VC), Crystal Defenders, Burn Zombie Burn score attacks, Trauma Center DS (GOOD GRIEF, just got pissed off thinking about that one), Super Mario Sunshine (just wrong), lots of others, but it's late.
      Last edited by keyser28146; 08-21-2009, 01:43 AM.


      • #4
        Imperial Advisor

        Most NES Games made by Capcom or Konami. Oh the level that Andy mentioned on CoD4 along with Mile High Club, I just barely completed that mission I think a day after the fourth of July.

        Ninja Gaiden on the NES is SUPER hard if you don't catch on the enemy patterns quick.
        <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


        • #5
          • Jul 2009
          • 314

          I didn't know there was a BSG game.


          • #6
            • Mar 2006
            • 767

            Originally posted by Deslock

            Rainbow 6 Las Vegas. (PS3)

            Two words....

            "theatre level".....

            On the 360 I found the hotel level(on realistic) very hard after that every thing else was a bit easier.


            • #7
              Honorary DSA
              • Jan 2009
              • 1543

              This gen it's Grand Turismo Prologue! At least impossible without shelling out on the proper stearing wheel controller... It's the last arcade level to pass before being able to unlock all the cool stuff, like car tuning and advanced online multiplayer. It seems to be the only level where you have to take shortcuts and swap tons of paint! I'm tellin you I BET the LIVING SHITE out of the couch. Pisses me off just thinkin about it...


              • #8
                Darth Beratter

                I didn't know there was a BSG game.
                Oh yes there is, and it's insanely hard. I know they don't want a game where everyone will bitch and say that it was too easy and they tore right thru it...LOL!!! Not with this bitch you won't:

                [ame=""]YouTube - Xbox battlestar Galactica Game Play Level One-[/ame]

                I have the walkthrough saved on it, and I still cannot get past the gun turret level on the Galactica:

                Battlestar Galactica is a fast paced game. To make things even harder on the player, you cannot save your game until you have successfully completed a mission. This can lead to quite a bit of frustration after you have spent a couple of hours on a mission only to get destroyed right before you finish it.
                This will be your first experience manning the Galactica's gun turrets. You have four to choose from: Top front, top rear, middle right, and middle left.
                Use the directional pad or R3 joystick to change guns. The top front gun is
                the best for this mission.
                I've tried and tried, yet I'm still denied at beating this one damnable level.

                From the gamespot review:

                Battlestar Galactica is actually quite a difficult game. In fact, it's shockingly so when you consider how generally easy to pick up the combat is

                Adama's squadron is about the most inconsistent group of fighter pilots you'll ever encounter. On missions where their jobs are to keep Cylons occupied while you go and blow up some key landmark, they can seemingly last forever. Yet, as soon as the mission objective shifts toward you having to protect them, they almost instantly become helpless, and it doesn't take long before they're sent into oblivion.
                If you enjoy S & M stuff and self torture....This is THE game for you.

                Oh and Keyser is right about "Fire Emblem" I forgot about that evil 'lil bitch.
                Last edited by Deslock; 08-21-2009, 04:07 AM. Reason: typo's



                • #9
                  • Jun 2006
                  • 1448

                  Originally posted by Kamui
                  Most NES Games made by Capcom or Konami....

                  Ninja Gaiden on the NES is SUPER hard if you don't catch on the enemy patterns quick.
                  I think the original NES had some of the hardest games. A lot only had a small number of levels, but holy hell I love em, and hate em.

                  I remember playing Rygar forever, and the fact that once you died, that was it.
                  I never beat the original Super Mario Brothers. The second and third yes but not the first
                  Ninja Gaiden was a beast. Love it, but damn.
                  Dragon Warrior while maybe not hard, it took forever to complete. You will go too far before leveling up in this game, and you will die multiple times. :p
                  Mega Man series was hard stuff too. I beat a few of them, but some of those are hard as hell.
                  Top Gun I could get to the last level, sometimes :p

                  Honestly I haven't played the newer games as much as those, but I do feel that if you play some of those old one, then the newer stuff, as a whole, isn't nearly as hard.


                  • #10
                    Honorary DSA


                    I tried not to list any of those because everyone knows those games are several times more difficult than most games are today. Rygar, Ninja Gaiden, Super Empire Strikes Back, Castlevania, Mega Man 1, Rush N' Attack, Bayou Billy were all despicably hard, but easy compares to Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Galaga, Dragon's Lair, etc. I think the more people they try to get into gaming, the farther the difficulty drops. While I think it's not a bad thing, I do love the games that give you the option of Nightmare difficulty levels so they can be enjoyed as old school challenges.

                    Ultimate G&G is one of those that is a great throwback, and so is Contra 4 for DS, that bring up the level of difficulty so high that they cut themselves off to the possibility of breakout sales because the challenge is so high.

                    A lot of the time, you have to beat a game on a high difficulty to unlock a higher difficulty. While this adds replay, I'd rather have the option to get the crushing difficulty immediately, so I didn't have to feel like the first time through was a "warmup". Most games are too long for this to be cool. Who wants to go through a 25 hour warmup session to unlock the elite difficulty levels?


                    • #11
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 314

                      The Battlestar Galactica games looks cool...


                      • #12
                        Honorary DSA

                        Yeah it does.

                        I think the SNES Super Star Wars games were the hardest SW based games ever, even on normal difficulty they are evil, but on Jedi, they are broken.

                        I think Ikaruga has to the hardest, due to the Black/White shift. For the uninitiated, in Ikaruga, all the enemy attacks whether bullets, lasers, etc, are WHITE or BLACK. You have a button that flips your ship upside down, so that it either looks white or black. When you are white, not only are you impervious to white gunfire, but you want to absorb it, while black enemy fire kills you... flipping to black means you absorb black gunfire but white kills you.

                        There is so much on the screen frequently that you have to be in the correct color sequence to survive, and other times when you have to rapidly switch between the two colors to get through sections. Kind of like playing Life Force on the highest difficulty while simultaneously having to hit the bass drum on a seperate GH/RB game going on in the other room. It's a little nuts.

                        As far as Ultimate G&G, I wouldn't suggest even attempting this game until you can beat the original NES Contra on one man, or beat the original NES Castlevania or Ninja Gaiden.

                        Kid Icarus was a game with a weird difficulty pattern. Nose bleeding, kick you in the face difficulty on 1-1, but every level you beat the game gets easier an easier.

                        Another beast was the NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I've never met anyone who will even claim beating it, and I'm not sure if there was actually anyway TO beat it.


                        • #13
                          Darth Beratter

                          I left out the NES games mostly on purpose. The AVGN does a much better job of describing them than I ever could. I like the the dude on the escapist dot com site also.



                          • #14
                            Honorary DSA

                            Yeah, I figured my parameters were any game that could be played via BC on a modern console in it's original form. I had a lot of honorable mentions that broke the rule, but thats why they are HM's.


                            • #15
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 116

                              1. tetris- on a shitty gameboy 1985 ed.

                              2. GH and rockband series- don't scoff...ive been playing guitar for twelve years my wife is better than me i just dont see txboxhe connection of {} {} {} {} {} = six f-n strings! fuck {} {} {} {} {} that shit. i know most of you titan out with expert i can smoothly sail through medium gdamn medium

                              3. Mikie's PUNCHOuT! i have taken this game out of my nintendo walked to my barn and vice'd the mofo and beat it with a steel pipe.....


