Truly challenging games @%^$&*



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  • #16
    Honorary DSA

    If the original MT's PO gave you a fit, stay away from the new one for Wii.

    On the first play through it's no biggie, but the second version of every fighter is MUCH harder.


    • #17
      • Apr 2009
      • 321
      • Nuguistic

      I always found the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time to be a bitch every single time. Everytime it was time for the Water Temple I would take a few days break. Playing the same song over and over again raising the water level and getting them confused didn't strengthen my relationship with my mattress or controller....And now imma look for my 64, i wanna play that game.
      C'mon Microsoft, i just wanna play for FREE

      "I'll have your fucking badge you Mother Fucker!" - Brocman

      RIP Wes Martin


      • #18
        Darth Beratter

        Yentis is helping me with Ocarina of time on my 64 lately. He is a master of it, having played over and over and over again since he was six yrs' old.

        That game isn't brutal, but just fustrating to me. I'm sure you could get through the game without a book guide or the internet, but you would miss soooo much in the game. There is almost no hints at all at times on what you're supposed to do next. I was stuck in the forest Temple for quite some time. How in the Hell you';re supposed to figure out to shoot arrows in the paintings on the walls I never would've figured out on my own.

        I used to be almost a purist on PC gaming. What drove me to the consoles was the constant forced upgrade issues, and incompatibility issues. I.E. always installing a game, then having to hunt down all the new patches and latest drivers to get the damn things to run. Consoles=put it in-it plays...Yay!!! :D (that is until aome red lights pop up.) Just kidding !!! Really I'm just kidding!!! Don't flame my ass to death.;) I know Murphy's law. The minute I pick on you guys about that, my PS3 will lock up or crash, and I'll be sitting here looking like an asshole.

        There a few games I just cannot finish. I swear I went through that theatre level on R6 LV at least 85 times before I made it through. It was pure luck, and I damn near fainted.. I'm still trying to get thru Onimusha 3 without a guide or looking online. Nope, not through it yet. Same with the first God of war. I know what I'm supposed to do, and when. I just can't get the sequence down undwerwater, and the gate thingy smashes my ass every damn time.

        True evil is the Hello Kitty game for the PS1.

        And no, I'm not joking. Really...I'm not. That game will break the strongest of you. Trust me.

        I got it for my wife since she's a HUGE Hello Kitty fan, and she was having trouble with it in places. So I figured being the big badass Ranger, gaming since before the Atari 2600, "Here, lemme show ya how it's done..."

        Yeah riiiight...:o

        And that game was made for 'lil girls..????

        I'd rather stick my hand in the garbage disposal and turn it on, than try to beat that thing again...:(

        And even though I said I was leaving out most NES games...My second exception...

        Silver surfer...

        [ame=""]YouTube - Silver Surfer - Angry Video Game Nerd AVGN[/ame]

        This game is not glitchy, nor buggy. It has to be THE hardest game you could ever play. PERIOD.

        You have to go thru the entire game, and I mean the ENTIRE game...without dying even once. You die, you restart the entire game. No save points, no check points. You die= You start the whole damn thing over. I tried and tried, and could never once beat this horrible beast.



        • #19
          Honorary DSA


          That's a good video.

          But that's bad design... when you don't know what kills you and what doesn't in a one-hit only scenario, I consider that a flawed game. That's not a difficulty or skill based thing, that's just poor design. I mean the games everyone knows are exceptionally difficult (Donkey Kong, Pac Man, etc) you KNOW what will kill you and that makes it a level playing field from the start.

          Still. I'd love a crack at this game.


          • #20
            Imperial Advisor

            Yea that water temple is pretty difficult. I think its really difficult by length, and the amount of backtracking that you have to do in it.

            Oh lets put Goldeneye on the N64 up there as well. If you play on 00 Agent, try to beat the facility in 2:00 :(. Its crazy hard even though I did beat it when I was younger, I remember I cheered when I did that....

            Glad someone else watches the AVGN's videos since I figured nobody saw the threads I had posted.
            <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


            • #21
              Honorary DSA
              • Jun 2005
              • 778

              well personally, i plowed through all the fire emblem games and the zelda games from the 64 and up with little trouble. The DS fire emblem was cake, and i think the trickiest part was the GBA version with Hector Hard mode. Thank god for Oswin. I have played BSG and i have to say that is quite an insane game to try to play. Another of mine is the armored core series. I got 4, and after the first few levels of missions it just gets crazy even with buying every possible upgrade. Another game would be Warcraft 3. An amazing game, but the later levels are absolutely ridiculous. I remember one level where you had 2 small towns against a town that was half the map. Fun stuff though.
              <img src=>


              • #22
                Honorary DSA
                • Jan 2009
                • 1543

                Yea, I agree about the later Warcraft games... Some I didn't even fininsh. I didn't like the way it was kinda like a paper scissor rock scenario... What I mean is that you have to pick your strategy from the very offset of the game and hope that your opponent has picked the scissors when you pick the rock! Basically, I couln't be arsed learinging off by heart the differnent strategys and knowing exactly how long it took to build each unit and what unit needs to follow. Too mathematical for my liking.... I always knew that this is what was needed to compete online. That's why I stopped playing the RTS genre all together.


                • #23
                  Honorary DSA

                  I just got bored of RTS's. I really liked Total Annihilation, and to a lesser extent TA: Kingdoms, just for the sheer ridiculous scale of combat in them. They had mega-units it literally took 20-30 minutes to build in real time and towered over the battlefield.

                  @Shoot, FE's can be beaten easily (similar to AW) if you aren't a completionist... but not allowing a single troop to die and not killing the recruitable enemy takes a lot of trial and error.

                  I forgot to mention Valkyria Chronicles as well, which may be the best Action/Strategy game I've played.

                  Also a big big big fan of Disgaea series, but those have infinite playability for the most part, and aren't really difficult, you just keep level and weapon grinding in order to get to the crazier stuff.


                  • #24
                    Imperial Advisor

                    I want to buy Valkyria Chronicles when I get a PS3. Since its down to 299 with that slim I smell a christmas present. My agenda when playing FE is to let all my troops live no matter what. I get angry at myself when one loses so I always reset.
                    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


                    • #25
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 314

                      Originally posted by Kamui
                      I want to buy Valkyria Chronicles when I get a PS3. Since its down to 299 with that slim I smell a christmas present. My agenda when playing FE is to let all my troops live no matter what. I get angry at myself when one loses so I always reset.
                      I'm actually selling it on Craigslist. You want it? I'm selling it for 15 bucks + Shipping.

                      It's a great game but I'm broke.


                      • #26
                        Honorary DSA

                        That's a great deal.

                        It's one of the best strategy games I've played, with some very cool artwork.


                        • #27
                          Honorary DSA

                          As if they heard us talking, Wii Virtual Console added Super Empire Strikes Back today.

                          Personally I consider this a punishing nightmare of a difficult game, up there with Ultimate Ghost and Goblins. It's Normal difficulty is controller smashing hard, especially the last Boss (Vader), which will test the limits of your sanity.

                          I haven't played it since it was a fairly "new" game, it was the last one before I got stationed on a ship and fell out of Computers and Video Games for a few years...


                          • #28
                            Darth Beratter

                            I forgot to mention Valkyria Chronicles as well, which may be the best Action/Strategy game I've played.
                            Thank you for listening to me Keyser. Valkyria Chronicles isn't hard. But it does make you think. Take a sniper with alergies into a meadow, and he'll miss every shot. Some troop types even hate other races on their own side. Just like being a real life commander picking a squad for certain missions, you'd best damn well do your homework and look at those personel files beforehand.

                            Didn't expect enemy tanks, so ya didn't take that extra anti tank guy because ya didn't think any would be there?

                            FAIL !!!

                            This game has many "hidden" suprises, and you'll find yourself doing several maps over and over again. You'll think you have a map down, only to have "suprise" enemy reinforcements appear without warning.

                            Orders are important too. Just two units with proper orders given:
                            [ame=""]YouTube - Valkyria Chronicles - Chapter 11 Battle - A Rank[/ame]

                            A good leader knows whom to use, and how.

                            The Star Wars games first out were brutal. I mean really brutal:
                            [ame=""]YouTube - STAR WARS: Original NES Game Walkthrough (3 of 6)[/ame]

                            Hard is hard...but I don't remember the Death Star being a maze....




                            • #29
                              Darth Beratter

                              Oh...And I also failed to mention that God Da%$#& !!! Tribal wars !!!

                              Work your ass off, build up all your stuff..and along comes some asshole who then proceeds to smash and take all your shit that you spent soooo much time on. The game has a good premise, but it just doesn't work. You and your friends can all group together to protect each other, but in real life it would be like 15 buddies, against 300 bullies. There's just no way to pull it off for any decent amount of time. Too many people on one map.
                              Last edited by Deslock; 08-25-2009, 10:17 PM. Reason: typos



                              • #30
                                • Apr 2009
                                • 29

                                Tohou........... Man is it HARD........ If you don't know what i'm talking about, look it up on youtube and look up touhou project on wikipedia. Hey keyser, know where i can get Ikaruga from? I've been looking for it for a long time.


