Truly challenging games @%^$&*



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  • #31
    Honorary DSA

    [ame=" 8-1"] Ikaruga: Nintendo Gamecube: Video Games[/ame]

    It's $110 for the Gamecube version new, but you can find used copies on that same link from reputable dealers for under $30, as long as you don't need collectible grade (no biggie).

    As far as the Dreamcast version... well. Goodluck.


    • #32
      • Apr 2009
      • 29

      Damn, don't have the money...... I'll try to scrounge it up...


      • #33
        Darth Beratter

        I'm not sure, but I think I was one of the last of the DSA on Tribal wars to fight to the bitter end. I was given offers that I'd be spared "nobling" if I joined them, and yet still declined. Once DSA always DSA !!!

        What I did find to be bittersweet, at least after all that time and work, I made such a good impression on my "neighbors" that they did send me massive, and I mean massive support. They did finally take me down, but at least due to my "neighbors" help, I did give them a damn good bloody nose for attacking me. Hell, truth be told, a broken arm too. They got me, but I made them pay dearly for it.

        Taunting them the entire time in the name of the DSA. !!!!



        • #34
          Imperial Advisor

          Originally posted by Rommel
          I'm actually selling it on Craigslist. You want it? I'm selling it for 15 bucks + Shipping.

          It's a great game but I'm broke.

          I'll take you up on your offer Rommel. Let me know the paypal address to send the payment to. I was going to buy it today, But it was 39.99. I don't want to spend too much though.
          <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


          • #35
            Darth Beratter

            If you do get it, be prepared to think. A lot.

            It's 50% thinking/strategy & 50% luck.

            It's programmed with a luck factor built in. You can play the same map with the same people, and get different outcomes everytime.

            I swear, I have more games I haven't finished, than I care to admit. Front Mission 4 for the PS2 is a bitch. I'm in Assassin's Creed where you have to fight all the major Knights at once. I know it's just timing, but it owns my ass every time.



            • #36
              Honorary DSA

              Remember in AC when you defend you are essentially invincible. Choose your moments. You wear them down by patience.


              • #37
                Imperial Advisor

                Thats what I like though Deslock, That level of challenge, No matter how hard, No matter how frustrating, I just have to keep on fighting till I best the game. I've always been that way when playing games.
                <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


                • #38
                  Darth Beratter

                  Drake's uncharted. (PS3)

                  Great game. Wonderful puzzles and the graphics are stunning at the very worst. Except you have to hit each enemy up to three times to kill them. I found myself running out of ammo, long before I ran out off enemies.
                  I finally got past my stuck point, and have been burning through the maps, and I'm now at the level where you have to jump around the top level, and pull down on the giant keys. Not fun. I keep getting in a rush, and keep slipping and falling to my death. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.....

                  And over again.

                  For myself, when a game becomes that fustrating, then it completely ceases to be any fun at all for me.

                  This dude makes it look ooooh soooo easy....: LOL, I hate this guy...:

                  [nomedia=""]YouTube - Uncharted Drakes Fortune Walkthrough W/ Commentary P.27[/nomedia]

                  But I swear, I will beat this damn thing.



