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  • RageProphetXIII
    • Jan 2009
    • 3029


    Someone made a boo boo.

    Must read.

    Leaked: Sony's Motion Control Plans, PS2 Emulator For PS3

    A leaked document appearing to contain confidential notes from an August 5 meeting between Sega and Sony Computer Entertainment America may have revealed a release date for the platform holder’s motion sensing controller, as well as plans to launch a PS2 emulator for PS3.

    As of press time, the document was downloadable from what seemed to be a Sega Of America FTP site, althought the link no longer works The meeting notes indicate that Sony intends to begin selling its new motion sensing controller in March in Japan and that the company hopes to sell “4-5MM units WW”.

    The document states that Sony wants to introduce a PS2 emulator for PS3, enabling it to sell all “all PS2 titles on PSN”, and that it “could put Japanese games directly on the PlayStation Network for download in a special Japanese Import section (pricing $9.99 to $39.99 for full game)”.

    Elsewhere, it says that Sony would be interested in introducing a range of Dreamcast titles to the PSN: “If we provide a list of DC titles SCEA will let us know which ones they’re interested in having exclusively. If we give them a long period of exclusivity they’ll give us more marketing support.”

    Sony wouldn't comment on this report when contacted, while Sega has yet to reply to our request for comment.

    The document in question is reprinted in its entirety below:

    SCEA Meeting Aug 5th Notes
    Aug 6 2009 – DRAFT FOR COMMENTS

    Objectives of Meeting
     Dyer agreed to regular quarterly meetings with SOA

    Sony PS3
     SCEA reiterated plans to sell 13 million PS3s this year
     Big announcement back half of year they can’t talk about (potentially price cut of PS3 to reach hardware goals)
     SCEA commented on indexing between PS3 and 360 SKUs, should be around 2:1 to garner most favorable treatment.

    Motion Controller
     Spring 2010 launch (March in JP)
     No bundle/pricing details yet, should come Sept 1
     Plan on selling 4-5MM units WW
     SCEA agreed to provide a list of Sega IP that would work well with the motion controller, Virtua Tennis was an example
     Motion Controller support allows easy way to differentiate PS3 SKU
     Other differentiation opportunities include PSP/PS3 interoperability – think of features that would make users want to buy both PS3 and PSP SKUs.

    Alpha Protocol
     Michael Foster, product evaluator, said AP felt barely RPG. Initial level too challenging for players. “Mass Effect felt more RPG.”
     Review notes sent to John Merlino a few weeks prior. After meeting Gerald mentioned AP is a high priority for his team.

    Planet 51
     Sell in of PS3 SKU – SCEA noted that other movie titles on PS3 had underperformed as well (inc. Transformers) this cycle.
     Dyer suggests contacting Susan at Walmart and asking what she wants in the pack to sell this SKU (movie tix etc)
     Other possibilities are Hybrid movie disc (BD 25 or 50 with Game and Movie on same disc).

     Collectors edition with Bayonetta Action Figure
     Novo recommended launching PSN demo around Xmas based off a Jan 5th Ship date with 2-3 week run out to launch.
     3-4 weeks is usually ideal demo timing with fresh content every week leading up to launch (trailers, insider video about PG heritage, video blogs).

    Vancouver 2010
     HOME, Olympic destination would garner a lot of positive attention from SCEA
     Should be doing same with Bayonetta, Marvel etc. Easy to launch in all territories.
     HOME merchandizing opportunities (clothes etc).

    Sonic Racing
     Open to DLC to differentiate PS3 SKU – not ratchet and clank but other characters
    o maybe characters from Rare or Fable universes

     Could put Japanese games directly on PSN for download in a special Japanese Import section (pricing $9.99 to $39.99 for full game).
     Might need to localize menus at least with subtitles.
     SCEA interested in helping on MKTG side if they can have period of exclusivity.

     Another great HOME candidate
     AVP avatars
     Hybrid BD disc with movie

    Iron Man 2
     Great candidate for HOME space – explore Tony Stark’s lab etc.
     Should have one for Marvel in general.

     Could do bundle at GameStop with PSP 30-35K units on UMD, Go, or both.

    Valkyria 1937
     Could bundle with PSP as well.

    Vanquish and Aliens: CM
     Opportunity for PS3/PSP interoperability (see Eidos Batman, Army of Two, Assassin’s Creed for good examples).
     If we offer that SCEA would be really interested in having us at their booth next E3.

    SCEA would like a look at the code soon.

    Sonic Anniversary
     Could put out collectors edition with all old sonic games on one BD disc.
     “Best of Sonic” for around $99.
     SCEA would love PSN exclusive power ups/different game modes (like Castlevania’s flip it over/backwards)

    PS2 emulator for PS3 (confidential)
     SCEA wants to sell all PS2 titles on PSN (GTA Vice City/Sonic/etc)
     For co Marketing money show PS3 controller on TV ads – similar to EA Madden Spots, NCAA, etc…

    London Olympics
     Perfect opportunity for Motion Controller integration.

    DC Digital Titles
     If we provide a list of DC titles SCEA will let us know which ones they’re interested in having exclusively.
     If we give them a long period of exclusivity they’ll give us more marketing support.

    PSP Titles
     For SKU differentiation it’s best to offer features that are slightly different from PS3 version.
     Titles that are coming up on PSP are Assassin’s Creed II, GTA China Wars, Resident Evil, Little Big Planet – all massive franchises.
     SCEA has a specific PSP deck which they can send up with their hardware director for a chat.

    I just care about the PS2 emulator......It only makes sense if it's on there people will buy more games....duh
  • #2
    • Mar 2009
    • 711

    That would be sweet... assuming it didn't run at piss poor speed.

    "Are you questioning my Bad-Assness? Have you seen my guns?"


    • #3
      Darth Beratter

      There's your corporate boys in action...God curse them all.

      Every fucking single one of them.

      Suits and ties wiil be the end of us all.

      Umbrella Corp. Your day is here.

      And we'll all buy it, hook, line, and sinker.....

      But what the Hell, Wal-mart is open.....





      • #4
        Imperial Guard
        • Jun 2006
        • 4051
        • DSA norm

        So Des what is your fear now? Seemed like a meeting outlining some of the company's plans or ideas. Same sorta thing we do during a clan or council meeting.


        • #5
          • Jan 2009
          • 3029

          Alright Des....you're asking for a PS3 Thread banning.....lol

          I hear instill elementary school recess rules...if you've got nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all......lol:p


          • #6
            • Jun 2006
            • 1448

            That's not really a PS2 emulator, more of them just recoding or something to make the PS2 games where you have to download them. Which means you would have to buy them again. Or am I reading that wrong? No doubt it would be kinda cool, but it's a slap in the face to those people who have a large PS2 game collection. No doubt there are some PS2 games I would like to play again. FFX, SWBF2 would be nice, but to have to buy them again......


            • #7
              • Jan 2009
              • 3029

              Originally posted by Rdaug27
              That's not really a PS2 emulator, more of them just recoding or something to make the PS2 games where you have to download them. Which means you would have to buy them again. Or am I reading that wrong? No doubt it would be kinda cool, but it's a slap in the face to those people who have a large PS2 game collection. No doubt there are some PS2 games I would like to play again. FFX, SWBF2 would be nice, but to have to buy them again......
              Naw I'm sure it would be able to play ps2 games as well.....people like me will probably do both purchase disc and download game too.

              But yeah it would be a slap in the face.


              • #8
                Imperial Advisor
                • Jun 2005
                • 5834

                Sony officially fails at keeping secrets lol. Nice find.
                "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
                <a href="http://psnprofiles.com/dsaBOSS"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/dsaBOSS.png" border="0"></a>


                • #9
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 3029

                  Originally posted by BOSS
                  Sony officially fails at keeping secrets lol. Nice find.
                  Actually I think it was SEGA that posted it on their site where people could download the file.

                  yeah dumb


                  • #10
                    Darth Beratter

                    I guess I should've went more in depth why that whole thing pissed me off.

                    These companies are gaming industries, not national defense. There is really no need for the degree of secrecy they adhere to.

                    It's simple...just a :

                    "Yes, we are going to make SWBF3",


                    "No, we're not going to make a SWBF3"

                    Now this REALLY pisses me off. No fucking wonder why no B/C on the new PS3's:

                    That's not really a PS2 emulator, more of them just recoding or something to make the PS2 games where you have to download them. Which means you would have to buy them again. Or am I reading that wrong? No doubt it would be kinda cool, but it's a slap in the face to those people who have a large PS2 game collection. No doubt there are some PS2 games I would like to play again. FFX, SWBF2 would be nice, but to have to buy them again......

                    PS2 emulator for PS3 (confidential)
                     SCEA wants to sell all PS2 titles on PSN (GTA Vice City/Sonic/etc)
                    Niiiice....Cha-Ching. $$$$$. I dunno about you, but I like hard copies...No eating up my hard drive space...And God himself forbid your stuff bricks or crashes. AAAIIIEEEEE !!!

                    So Des what is your fear now? Seemed like a meeting outlining some of the company's plans or ideas. Same sorta thing we do during a clan or council meeting.
                    It's called posting after drinking a case of beer. And then 2 40's. ;)

                    That, and I also hate corporate types with all my soul. I've dealt with them for over 20 years now, and they're not getting better. Only worse and worse. Kinda like our public school systems....well, that and politicians.

                    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acLW1vFO-2Q"]YouTube - George Carlin ~ The American Dream[/ame]



                    • #11
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 314

                      Wait... another Sony information leak? No wai!!!

                      They're obviously doing it on purpose. I mean, what kind of hacker monitors SEGA's FTP connections. And even if it was an insider releasing this stuff, why would they do it? There's no incentive to release this information other than to hype SONY for their Christmas sales.

                      So yeah, I think Sony unofficially leaked this memo.


                      • #12
                        • Jun 2006
                        • 1448

                        Originally posted by Rommel
                        Wait... another Sony information leak? No wai!!!

                        They're obviously doing it on purpose. I mean, what kind of hacker monitors SEGA's FTP connections. And even if it was an insider releasing this stuff, why would they do it? There's no incentive to release this information other than to hype SONY for their Christmas sales.

                        So yeah, I think Sony unofficially leaked this memo.
                        No if Sony is going to have some exclusive Dreamcast games on the PSN, then yeah I can see Sega putting it out to tell people that it's coming.


                        • #13
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 3029

                          Leaks are part of marketing strategy but not always. Sometime thing do get out earlier then they are meant to be.

                          Des Nice add...Love Carlin, he will be missed. What he says there is the truth. No doubt there.


                          • #14
                            Imperial Guard
                            • Jun 2006
                            • 4051
                            • DSA norm

                            Rommel - In today's environment a leak isn't unheard of. Think of the athletes that tweet during a game. Microsoft just recently had a meeting in which they talked about the new Dell that is coming out. They were reprimanded and the blog and tweet entries were taken down in under an hour. Employees don't always use the best judgment when it comes to things like that.

                            Also there is a ton of money in corporate espionage. There are people that spend their days looking through websites just waiting for someone to make a mistake. It happens more often than one might think.

                            Des - I understand your frustration with with the corporate world. Look at things like this if you have an idea or product and that is what your company gains its income from that you would want to protect it. Look at the car world, that new Charger looks a lot like the new Camero. Film industry, do I even have to discuss this? How many times has there been a movie and a couple of month later the exact same movie with just a little twist.

                            For a company like Sega if something they are planning is leaked early a couple of things could happen. Investors will plan on this and stock prices will rise, retailers will plan their sales around this and customers will jump for joy. What if Sega wasn't ready for this and all the previous sentence happened. With this Investors' disappointment Sega's stock will drop. Retailers will remember this and not do special events/things for Sega's next game. Customers will be pissed and lose faith in Sega's products.

                            As far as the backwards compatibility with the PS3. I dunno and you know I hate to defend Sony (lol). They were late releasing the PS3 due to whatever reasons. I'm guessing the differences in the PS2 and PS3 was too difficult or cost prohibitive to come up with a decent emlulator. Do you think they should have delayed the PS3 till they came up with a decent emlulator? Maybe not even have B/C to begin with. Maybe not have it till they had it all figured out. There's also the PS2 to worry about, if the PS3 could make all the PS2 games play on the PS2 why would Sony need to make a PS2? That's a lot for Sony to think about and they can't see the future.


                            • #15
                              Honorary DSA
                              • Dec 2007
                              • 2433

                              I really don't give a shit about playing PS2 or Sega/Dreamcast games on the PS3...who freakin cares, at least I don't!!! The graphics sucked and the games today offer much more than anything in the past. Maybe I'm not "nostoglic" enough but I would rather have Sony and/or Sega concentrate their efforts on tomorrow instead of yesterday.

                              I know why Sony/Sega would do this (little effort to get lots of $$$$)....I just don't see why anyone would care.

                              A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. ― Alexis de Tocqueville


