Pandemic Studios Closes(Yes the guys who did SWBF)



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  • TheRealHanSolo
    • Jun 2008
    • 1927
    • DSA Solo

    Pandemic Studios Closes(Yes the guys who did SWBF)

    So guys I think this is it. RIP SWBF3.
  • #2

    Strike up the band and let's celebrate!! I don't see this as the end of a possible SWBFIII, just the end of any possibility that Pandemic could screw up another SWBF game. However, this statement brings me little comfort either,

    "Current Pandemic projects will reportedly shift to EA's Montreal branch, which handles Army of Two."

    "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
    ?Darth Plagueis

    "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


    • #3
      • Jun 2006
      • 1448

      Yeah IDT Lucas was using Pandemic after the SWBF2 debacle anyway. The newer PSP games were made by Rebellion I think.


      • #4
        • Jan 2009
        • 3029

        Well hopefully Someone worth while will pick up the IP and get something done on it.

        Personally I say you let Incognito do it. I mean imagine SWBF3 as smooth as Warhawk, Now that would be great....but not loosing the SWBF experience.
        But that won't happen


        • #5
          Imperial Advisor
          • Jun 2005
          • 5834

          Originally posted by RageProphetXIII
          Well hopefully Someone worth while will pick up the IP and get something done on it.

          Personally I say you let Incognito do it. I mean imagine SWBF3 as smooth as Warhawk, Now that would be great....but not loosing the SWBF experience.
          But that won't happen
          Agreed, but Dylan has the rights to Warhawk so it would be his new company (Lightbox). Warhawk is as close as it gets to SWBF and I have no doubt they would succeed in making a great SWBFIII. It's about LA getting off their asses and looking for a decent developer.

          Did Rebellion make the SWBF:ES game?
          "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
          <a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


          • #6
            Darth Beratter

            I don't blame Pandemic for the SWBF game flaws. I blame Luca$farts. If you played the "Destroy all humans" games, you can easily see that they were able to make great maps, and playable features. The SWBF games were rushed by Luca$farts.

            Pretty nasty move by EA in my opinion. "Merry Christmas"'s your pink slip.

            Buyouts are just nasty in my opinion anyways. My Mother worked for three different banks. Every single time they were bought by another bank, she was one of the ones terminated. I worked for Central Hardware for five years. The company was bought by a foriegn interest. Months later they shut down the whole chain of stores.

            Why buy a company, if you're only going to fire most of the people that made it successful in the first place? The SWBF games may have been flawed, but you cannot say they didn't make a shitload of money for their respective owners. Wouldn't it be wiser to fix the problems that a company has, than sack everyone?

            One company buys another...and the first thing they do is "downsize" the workforce of the company they bought. The Execs make a shitload of money on the stock market, and their employees get a nice "fuck you" in a pink slip.

            Now move that money in an offshore account so you don't have to pay taxes for it, lay off all the employees, get your bonus for keeping payroll down..Move the manufacturing to Chinese slave labor, sell your all your stock options, and you're as good as gold.

            And we wonder why America's economy is totally fucked?

            Even as a Christian..."Jesus H. Christ"....!!!! No blasphemy intended.

            It's my "opinion" as an American, and a Veteran..You shut down down your American factories, Lay off your American workers, and move them to Mexico/China..Wherever...You should be branded a traitor.

            Notice that so many "companies" have their headquaters here...but the actual manufacturing work or service is done in India, China...???

            They don't mind one bit taking American dollars, just hiring American workers. Because we won't work for .30 cents an hour.

            Did you notice that they said all of Pandemic's work up until now will be moved to EA/Canada..?

            These "companies" value their product in American dollars, while paying "pennies" overseas for the actual product. Cha-ching.

            But it's like the snake eating it's own tail. If these companies continue to sell products to the very people here that they unemploy due to "outsourcing", we will no longer be able to buy said products, because we are now out of a job.

            Yes, I know the unions are to blame..but that's for a different thread.

            The truth of this statement is this...Wall Street...You cannot keep trying to feed the people you are starving. If we are out of work. We cannot afford the products you offer us, even at slave labor prices from overseas.

            New game....or paying the electric bill..? Or groceries?

            You decide.



            • #7
              Imperial Advisor

              Originally posted by BOSS
              Did Rebellion make the SWBF:ES game?
              Rebellion indeed did make the SWBF:ES game, And Renegade Squadron on the PSP, They both suck no matter what handheld they try to port it to. The game is solely an auto-aim fest with no reliance on actual aim. No more ducking, And no more going prone period. Thats part of the reason why the games sucked, And I heard hackers ruined the fun in Renegade Squadron. I wonder if anybody has ruined Elite Squadron yet.

              Solo, you have to be positive, SWBF3 is in the hands of LA no other company has rights to it at the moment. Whoever they give the keys to SWBF3 to will ultimately finish the game if it ever comes out, But its hard to cancel a game when they get comments like these everyday or in the LA forums.

              Caleb Hinkle
              great game but i want controls that play more like battlefront 2 than renegade squadron...the slow walk of the characters is dissapointing, but yet its still one of my favorites. and yes please make a 360 and ps3 battlefront next time
              Sun at 3:42pm · Report

              Jake Fahey
              I WONT F-ING BATTLEFRONT 3!!! NOW!!!!!!

              Myriam Feygin
              It would be REALLY good if SOMEONE made a battlefront game for the PS3 and 360....
              I DO wonder when that will happen...
              *hint hint wink wink nod nod*

              Austin Mckinney
              Austin Mckinney
              i can't seem to find it 4 x-box 360

              Stephen Breen
              make one for the 360!!!

              Emmanuel Trejo
              horrilble it dint come out for 360 or PS3

              Caleb Thomas Hall
              We need a Battlefront game for the 360. Just give me single player achievements and I be happy

              Brandon Lauthern
              it is absolutely dissappointing that this did not release for 360. I love battlefront, but will likely never own a PSP. Bring on BF3 already, sheesh!!!

              Jake Fahey
              Jake Fahey
              BF3 NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIGHT F-ING NOW!!!!

              Eric Arneson
              Eric Arneson
              Make it for xbox360

              Phillip Bremer
              Phillip Bremer
              or even to make it better, confirm or deny the making of Battlefront 3 for xbox, ps3, and pc.

              Devin Rodrigues
              Thanks to the fans??? you mean those little few that own handhelds..No offense. What about the thousand more console players that you guys pissed off because it wasnt released on consoles..what bout them?

              Matt Barnett
              why bring a battlefront out on psp and ds when it could be out on 360 & ps3 ??

              Adam Parker
              tis going to be crap, give us BF III for 360, ps3 and PC like that guy said ^
              Thats just a sample bro.
              <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


              • #8
                Imperial Guard
                • Nov 2004
                • 4956
                • DSA Zabka

                I thought it was pretty well understood that free radical was working on swbf3. Never confirmed, though. With free radicals demise and la's difficulties as a content owner, who knows.

                Des, when ea bought pandemic/bioware, who made money? The owners of the studios who were probably the producers with some/many key employees who had stock or options. So the value accrued to americans--assuming they were American. At least the taxes they paid on the deal went to the fed govt. Beyond that, ea is owned by the shareholders. Those shareholders are from all over the world, but mostly American. In either case, bioware employees have taken a bigger role within ea while pandemic's last couple games were big duds. It's unfortunate for them, but if the products you produce aren't bought by consumers, your job is at risk. I may think that the model t was a temendous innovation back in the day, but it doesn't mean that I should but a ford today. I should only buy a ford if I think it is the best car for my money today.

                Our workforce is simply not competitive on many fronts for some jobs. The onus is on the workforce to show its value relative to competition. The free flow of trade requires constant evolution of our people. But it also means that you can choose Sony over Microsoft if you choose. But it also means our workforce has to offer advantages/skills over others. If we don't, then we will collectively suffer to be much more than a service economy.
                Last edited by Zabka; 11-18-2009, 07:23 AM.
                You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                • #9
                  Honorary DSA

                  Honestly, the demand for SWBF3 is not there in my opinion. Sure the hardcore player beat their drum up for it, but what about all the little runts on consoles that make up most of the online population? These guys buy games as they come and probably don't een give a darn about SWBF. If you have games like MW2, L4D2, Killzone, etc., nobody is going to remember that old relic that was a decent game. The way games are made nowadays almost makes it hard to stick to one game and try and master it. Good games are being churned out every quarter.

                  Even if SWBF3 comes out, what will make it different from all of these other games? Eventually in a month or so, the online community will be depleted, everyone having run off to the next blockbuster. XBL and PSN have changed things. This is my opinion at least.

                  "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


                  • #10
                    Darth Beratter

                    I have to kinda agree with Foos on this also. We as fans want a new BF, but I'm sure the overall gaming community doesn't give a shit.

                    Partly because Luca$ is an idiot.:

                    [ame=""]YouTube- At Midnight I Will Kill George Lucas With A Shovel[/ame]

                    I was thinking the other day about taking all my Star Wars stuff, literally thousands of dollars, and just selling it all off. The magic just isn't there for me anymore. Luca$ killed it. Darth Vader instead of being a brooding shown to be nothing but a sulking whiner. Boba Fett is nothing but a hack clone. The basis of my beloved Stormtroopers are nothing else but hack clones also.(Not all of them, but that's how they started..?..*sighs*). And in the books, Coruscant is taken over and terraformed by aliens...WTF...???!!!

                    And lets take a good hard look at the games. It seems Galaxies took of well until they killed it. Empire at war was a dissapointment. Force Commander blew ass. And that other one was just a engine clone. Rebellion was fun, but had an absolute horrible interface. SWBF1 was good, but not as good as it could've been, and SWBF2, I'm not even going to talk about. Yoda's tales...erm. Superbombad racing, The star wars flying sim for the PS2, and Ep3 for the PS2. And Lego Star Wars. (And I actually enjoyed that, go figure). Oh yeah, and the Bounty hunter and Clone wars games that are almost...almost forgetable. And republic commando. W00t !!!

                    When you think of the awesome hardware that is the PS3/360...and what they look like on COD, and think about how in depth they could emmerse you in the Star Wars universe. Look at Assassin's creed, and how they could have you prowling around the streets of Coruscant. Or the level of detail they could put into cockpit fighting???!!! And what do we get..?

                    Another game for the PsP.

                    Yep, just what we've all been begging for.

                    So I officially give up. Luca$farts is just too hopelessly brain damaged.



                    • #11
                      Imperial Advisor
                      • Jun 2005
                      • 5834

                      Mui, I have SWBF:RS and I liked some of the features it had. Gameplay was lame (one of the reasons the PSP needs another joystick). It's also a sign that SWBF doesn't belong on handhelds...yet they make SWBF:ES.

                      Zab, that leaked trailer confirmed the project was SWBFIII FR was working on. Hence why everyone is disappointed.

                      Originally posted by Capthemfoos
                      Honestly, the demand for SWBF3 is not there in my opinion. Sure the hardcore player beat their drum up for it, but what about all the little runts on consoles that make up most of the online population? These guys buy games as they come and probably don't een give a darn about SWBF. If you have games like MW2, L4D2, Killzone, etc., nobody is going to remember that old relic that was a decent game. The way games are made nowadays almost makes it hard to stick to one game and try and master it. Good games are being churned out every quarter.

                      Even if SWBF3 comes out, what will make it different from all of these other games? Eventually in a month or so, the online community will be depleted, everyone having run off to the next blockbuster. XBL and PSN have changed things. This is my opinion at least.
                      That's what I was saying awhile back. They basically HAVE to make a good SWBFIII or not bother at all...which makes sense why we don't have SWBFIII yet.
                      "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
                      <a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


