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  • AmazinSkillz 96
    • Aug 2011
    • 9

    Hi everyone!

    Hey guys whats up? I'm AmazinSkillz 96, i play on the Xbox 360. I do play Black Ops quite a lot. I am 15th prestige, but i like to have fun on the game and don't try too hard. I may be trying out for the DSA Blacks ops team in the future. Thanks for your time!
  • #2
    Imperial Guard
    • Jun 2006
    • 4051
    • DSA norm


    You said you knew us from our SWBF days. What was your name from back then and did you belong to any groups?


    • #3
      AmazinSkillz 96
      • Aug 2011
      • 9

      Thanks. My name was TRoT Soximus, i belonged to {TRoT}


      • #4
        Imperial Guard
        • Jun 2006
        • 4051
        • DSA norm

        I'm not really familiar with that clan.

        Mind if I ask why your gamerscore was reset?


        • #5
          AmazinSkillz 96
          • Aug 2011
          • 9

          Its actually pretty dumb why it got reset,
          but i can will tell you anyways. I tried and tried for an achievement of halo 3 ODST (A Vidmaster) but right at the end, my friend that i was finishing it with me got disconnected. He felt bad so he modded my gamerscore and then i got reset.


          • #6
            Imperial Guard
            • Jun 2006
            • 4051
            • DSA norm

            Did you read our code of conduct? Also if I remember correctly the trot clan was fond of glitching and going into servers with aliases in the old swbf days


            • #7
              AmazinSkillz 96
              • Aug 2011
              • 9

              I thought you said you didn't know TRoT? How would you know if they were a glitching clan? Either way, they don't glitch.


              • #8
                AmazinSkillz 96
                • Aug 2011
                • 9

                I've been looking through clans and decided this one isn't for me. Peace.


                • #9
                  Imperial Guard
                  • Jun 2006
                  • 4051
                  • DSA norm

                  No problem and I understand.

                  As far as your questions I will point this out to you.

                  {GOR}Tyrlan - July 29, 2008 08:22 PM (GMT)
                  today i had my server up, a 10-man {GOR}Jedi, and i saw a guy named {FOG}MasterHOLL1st3r who i seriously doubt is a fog member. He was going around stealing kills from people and being an overall idiotic noob. He was not a terrible player, but he was just acting like a moron. Then after i kick him, he returns and i put an admin message up (my mic is not working well) telling him not to steal kills from teammates. He still does it, (i.e. pushing people away from their kills) then leaves before i can ban him. Shortly after he returns under the name {TROT}Soximus (i know this because i matched keyhash and ip) and played as if nothing happened. I don't know if this guy is actually a member of {TROT} or yet again smurfing. There was another {TROT} in named darth velucius or something like that and i heard him talking to soximus but i could not hear soximus talking back. Just letting you guys know that someone is going around acting like a fool with the {FOG} tag on if you do not already know of this.

                  So there you are confirmed for using an alias.

                  Here is a link for your gamertag with the label as Cheater.

                  For what you said about your gamerscore is completely wrong. For that to have happened you would have to have given your "friend" your login and password. He would then have to recover your gamertag. he would then have to hook up his HDD to a computer and mod the gamer score. So with all of these steps involved and the fact you had to give your "friend" you information. Which means you knew what was going to happen.

                  And here is proof of your "clan" glitching in SWBF2 and showing others how to glitch too.

                  And here is a video of your "clan" using another clan to hack a server.

                  So thank you for your interest. We will not need your services as a member of this clan.

                  In fact we, the DSA, have been around since Star Wars Battlefront 1, we were in SWBF2 form the beginning. We are on the PS3 with Warhawk and Socom. We are on the 360 in Black Ops and L4D2. We have been a part of the gaming community for roughly half your life.

                  The reason we have thrived when others, like your "clan", have failed is because of our Code of Conduct which was handed to us by our Emperor. We play the game the right way. We do not cheat because we win without it. We make the games fun without hacking. We accept mature players who can follow our Code of Conduct.

                  Frankly coming in here from a known POS clan and trying to join us means you have no clue what the DSA means and stands for. Good luck with your new clan and every time I or any DSA meet you on the battlefield we will hunt you down and win every time.
                  Last edited by norm; 08-12-2011, 03:03 PM.


                  • #10
                    AmazinSkillz 96
                    • Aug 2011
                    • 9

                    Its a game, chill out, and yes that was me, its called having a little fun. As for what you said on the battlefield, bring it on!


                    • #11
                      AmazinSkillz 96
                      • Aug 2011
                      • 9

                      P.s. The last one was raptor?


                      • #12
                        Imperial Guard
                        • Jun 2006
                        • 4051
                        • DSA norm

                        And here is a video of your "clan" using another clan to hack a server.
                        I never said it was your clan that did the hacking, just said you used another clan to do the hacking for you.

                        Also about having fun

                        We make the games fun without hacking.
                        Just in case you missed that too.

                        It is just a game, but we are a family which is why we have been around longer than most clans out there.

                        Like I said before good luck with whatever new clan you joined and heaven help you if we meet on the battlefield.


                        • #13
                          AmazinSkillz 96
                          • Aug 2011
                          • 9

                          how long did it take you to post your combacks on this forum? 2 hours? I'm glad you type usernames into google to tell how they are without actually meeting them. Oh and stop saying things about meeting me on the battlefield, its a game. Get a life. Ok, im done here. If you want to post back, its your own time you are wasting. I won't see it.


                          • #14
                            Imperial Guard
                            • Jun 2006
                            • 4051
                            • DSA norm

                            It's okay buddy I understand your feelings were hurt. If it makes you feel any better I gave you a very special award and spread this link around the SWBF groups.


                            • #15

                              Since you're not coming back, I'm gonna reply for those serious recruits that we actually do want, that seek to join a mature, respectable, gaming clan.

                              Dear Possible Recruits, AmazinSkillz is a prime example of why the DSA exists. A place for gamers to come and play with a team of like minded, mature gamers that are tired of the cheaters, glitchers, whiners, and little kids that like nothing better then to sing and make annoying noises while playing, ruining the game and the fun for everyone else. The only fun he can have is when he is cheating, because well lets face it. If he had to play the legit way, it wouldn't be much fun for him to get his ass kicked day in and day out, in every game he plays.

                              If you are tired of random public players like AmazinSkillz here that ruin a game. And want to join a mature, respectable, long established clan that uses strong teamwork, command structure, peer training, and solid tactics to win matches. Then please head over to the recruiter's office for that battalion or make a thread to introduce yourself, and one of our recruiting specialists will be happy to welcome and assist you. Also, Please be sure to read our Code of Conduct to get a better idea of what we are about. We look forward to your enlistment, thank you.
                              "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

                              "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
                              ?Darth Plagueis

                              "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


