PS3 Vs Xbox360



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  • RaTix

    PS3 Vs Xbox360

    PS3 to run at 120 fps?
    It's possible, says Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi; all that's needed is a TV capable of displaying it.
    Coming soon to an Internet message board near you: waves of more-hardcore-than-thou posters referring to any game running at 60 frames per second (fps) as "a slideshow."

    Appearing at the Tokyo International Digital Conference on Thursday to talk about the technological capabilities of the PlayStation 3 and the Cell processor, Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi said he expects the PS3 to be capable of running games at a stunning 120fps, according to a report in The Nikkei BP.

    Never mind that even newer TVs aren't capable of refreshing the screen 120 times in a single second. Kutaragi said that when new technology comes to market, he hopes to have the PS3 ready to take advantage of it.

    As for the Cell chip at the heart of the PS3, Kutaragi also had high hopes for its future beyond gaming. Using high-definition TV as an example, he said that the Cell chip could take advantage of the technology in many ways, such as displaying newspapers in their actual size, showing multiple high-definition channels on the screen at once, and video conferencing. He emphasized that the Cell can be used to decode more than 10 HDTV channels simultaneously, and it can also be used to apply effects such as rotating and zooming.

    Later, he introduced the idea of a Cell cluster server that operates with 16 units, each consisting of eight Cell chips running at 2.5Ghz. That would be a total processing power of 25.6 teraflops. Kutaragi also outlined plans to shrink the chip from the current 90-nanometer process to a 65-nanometer process in the future and eventually down to a 45-nanometer process.
    - From a Gamespot Article

    This info is fueling the debate over which console is better, Xbox 360 or the PS3. While the PS3 boosts it will be able to run 120 FPS, there are not many "affordable" TVs that can handle this refresh rate. So most ppl will not be able to take full advantage of the system.
    Honestly i think its a smart move on sony's part either way. Why create a system that will be obsolete when the market for the HDTVs and plasma's come down in price. This way the PS3 will grow into the market along with the TVs, ultimatly creating a longer life span of the system. least thats my opinion. Just hope it doesnt take too long for that to happen. The average Life span on a console is 4 Maybe 5 yrs.

    Backwards compatability is a major factor in my choice of system, as well as pay to play vs free play. Microsoft is slowly working on patches for Xbox games to make them capatiable on the xbox 360. Will all the titles be redone, probally not. Most likely just the major hits. On the other hand, The PS3 will be completely backwards capatiable with ps2 games.

    Despite the free arcade and multiplayer games you can download on the xbox 360 via the Xbox Live package, It hardly seems worth it to pay to play online for the other games. As Deslock said in another post. I pay for my broadband, I pay for the game. Why should I pay to use them both together.
    Most the games the Xbox360 offers in their arcade you could just as easily download MAME or any other Emulator and play for free online.

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    ?Darth Plagueis

    "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."
  • #2
    • Jun 2006
    • 57

    I'd have to say PS3. You can play the new awesome graphic ones, the cool PS2 games, and the classic PS1 games. It's going to be awesome.

    For 200 credits I'll assassinate anyone you want.


