upgrading my broken pc



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  • #16
    • Dec 2006
    • 12

    very often, we lose sight of what computers are: a MEANS to an END. anyone who treats them as the END has lost sight, and should be re-evaluate their priorities.

    OS choice is also about just that...choice. Linux offers a higher level of choice, and a higher level of security. i am not locked into one computer, one activation code, one license. I can reinstall to my heart's content, and EVERY PIECE OF SOFTWARE IS FREE. this is a huge advantage that Linux has over Windows and OS X.

    Linux is easier to use than Windows or Mac OS X, period. coming from a blank slate, i believe that Linux offers more tools, (hammers, saws, and screwdrivers), to a user than other OSs. all applications in one unified catalog; no hunting for the right shareware program or pirated copy; no worrying about viruses, spyware, pop-ups, hackers, etc. as a MEANS, linux is the most effective. remember, just because linux doesn't do things the "Windows way" doesn't mean that it is hard.

    Yes, more games are compatible with Windows, but this is changing. projects like WINE are helping, and game publishers who offer a linux-compatible version are growing.

    I agree; a hammer cannot be reconfigured to be a saw. Linux, however, is a fantastic toolbox that could help many people.
    Live Free

    "Bend down, little man, and let me tell you what I know."


    • #17
      • Dec 2006
      • 106

      Originally posted by RaTix
      Since all the technical questions have been answered

      Using a Mac is like running in the Special Olympics.
      Even if you win your still retarded.

      Ok anyways now that I got that out of the way. Can someone please explain to me why windows is Sooooo Bad?????? Thats all I use so what am I missing? What are these huge problems with windows that I keep seeing references to? is it security???? Cuz ive never been breached. Is it reliability cuz Ive got machines running windows over 10 years old with no issues there? WHAT IS IT????? WHAST SO WRONG WITH WINDOWS????

      Help me understand
      Momma always told me never put off tomorrow Stuff you can blow up today!!!!


      • #18
        • Dec 2006
        • 12

        Originally posted by FLATLINE

        Ok anyways now that I got that out of the way. Can someone please explain to me why windows is Sooooo Bad?????? Thats all I use so what am I missing? What are these huge problems with windows that I keep seeing references to? is it security???? Cuz ive never been breached. Is it reliability cuz Ive got machines running windows over 10 years old with no issues there? WHAT IS IT????? WHAST SO WRONG WITH WINDOWS????

        Help me understand
        its not a one-user thing, its a general OS thing. Windows is made to make money, not as a public service by concerned individuals. Windows locks you into a particular way of doing things and one computer, one license, one arbitrary set of rules.

        i work in tech support, and many, many people have many, many problems with Windows. Uncontrollable pop-ups, infected machines, reinstalling every so often - these things are standard in the Windows world. not so in Linux.

        if you want to be free of restraints, free of worrying about spyware and viruses, try Linux. You can do so without actually installing anything via the magic of a LiveCD.

        Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT.

        PM me if you want a LOT more info :D
        Live Free

        "Bend down, little man, and let me tell you what I know."


        • #19

          I have no problems with Windows and there really isn't a problem with windows, as long as you know what your doing. But that is true for any system.

          Linux is supposed to be more secure then Windows. Which in some senses it is. But it is just as vulnerable to exploits and attacks as Windows is. The fact is, it takes a bit of PC knowledge to correctly configure a linux box, thus making it more secure then the default Windows installations. Although a rushed distibuted Linux install could also leave your Box highly vulnerable. No matter what system you use, if you take your time to setup it up correctly, your system will be secure.

          I'm sure others will rape your eyes with why windows is sooo horrible. Pay no heed to the nay sayers. Do your research and test out both systems. Then pick the one thats right for you... or pick both. Why not, who says you can't have your cake and eat it too.

          "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
          ?Darth Plagueis

          "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


          • #20
            • Dec 2006
            • 12

            Originally posted by RaTix
            I have no problems with Windows and there really isn't a problem with windows, as long as you know what your doing. But that is true for any system.

            Linux is supposed to be more secure then Windows. Which in some senses it is. But it is just as vulnerable to exploits and attacks as Windows is. The fact is, it takes a bit of PC knowledge to correctly configure a linux box, thus making it more secure then the default Windows installations. Although a rushed distibuted Linux install could also leave your Box highly vulnerable. No matter what system you use, if you take your time to setup it up correctly, your system will be secure.

            I'm sure others will rape your eyes with why windows is sooo horrible. Pay no heed to the nay sayers. Do your research and test out both systems. Then pick the one thats right for you... or pick both. Why not, who says you can't have your cake and eat it too.
            hear hear! Full disclosure: I dual-boot Windows Vista Home Premium and Ubuntu Feisty Fawn. So yes, I have my cake and eat it too. But as soon as I am done with Company of Heroes or Warcraft III, it's back to Linux.

            RaTix, try installing Ubuntu. It takes about 20 minutes, and requires 0% configuration. The "Linux is hard to install" myth is a big one, but try it before you decide. Insert CD, reboot, double-click giant "INSTALL" icon. Answer 3 questions (name, location, disk), and click OK. 20 minutes later, reboot, and you have an Ubuntu login screen. Show me a Windows install that is that easy FROM SCRATCH.

            and Linux is NOT as vulnerable. the "sudo" protocols make it hard to install any software without explicit user permission; you have to type an admin pword once before installing software (like on Mac OS X). neither of theses things are present in XP, and in Vista, UAC...well, Google it. UAC blows.

            and I promise, no eye-raping here. ;)
            Live Free

            "Bend down, little man, and let me tell you what I know."


            • #21
              • Dec 2006
              • 106

              Thanks Arrow and Ratix. Much appreciated. Id like to try out a linux OS. Ive got spare computers. You think Ubunto or whatever its called would be a good start?
              Momma always told me never put off tomorrow Stuff you can blow up today!!!!


              • #22
                • Dec 2006
                • 12

                Originally posted by FLATLINE
                Thanks Arrow and Ratix. Much appreciated. Id like to try out a linux OS. Ive got spare computers. You think Ubunto or whatever its called would be a good start?
                Ubuntu is a great place to start. Very friendly forum community, and VERY easy install.

                Just visit www.ubuntu.com, and click Download Now. Choose the Feisty Fawn Desktop .iso image. it is about 650MB, a full CD. Once the CD is downloaded, you'll need Nero or some other program to burn the ISO to a CD. then, insert the CD and reboot.

                If you need more help, PM me, or AIM me at arrowarmedman. Also, ubuntuforums.org is an amazing resource, and the place that I learned most of what I know.

                happy Linuxing!
                Live Free

                "Bend down, little man, and let me tell you what I know."


                • #23

                  I used to run a linux box a few.. well quite a few years back. That was with Redhat 7.2 I think, So yeah a while ago. My point is simply this, there are always some exploits that hackers will find in any system.

                  I haven't checked up on Linux too much recently, but I do have a spare box that I was planning on making into a Unbunto system just for shits'n'giggles. Plus I don't wanna get too rusty on my linux knowledge.
                  "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

                  "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
                  ?Darth Plagueis

                  "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


                  • #24
                    • Mar 2006
                    • 767

                    For MAC users
                    Mac Vs PC vid 1
                    Mac Vs PC vid 2
                    Mac Vs PC vid 3

                    these videos may get Mac users mad, so don't hate the player hate the game


                    • #25
                      • Dec 2006
                      • 12

                      Originally posted by SithWarrior
                      For MAC users
                      Mac Vs PC vid 1
                      Mac Vs PC vid 2
                      Mac Vs PC vid 3

                      these videos may get Mac users mad, so don't hate the player hate the game
                      those are funny! I am a Mac user, and I liked those. People need to realize that both platforms have their strengths, and when used properly, a mixed environment is best.

                      But Linux is better than both. :D
                      Live Free

                      "Bend down, little man, and let me tell you what I know."


                      • #26
                        • Oct 2004
                        • 756
                        • Pants9000

                        Originally posted by FLATLINE
                        Thanks Arrow and Ratix. Much appreciated. Id like to try out a linux OS. Ive got spare computers. You think Ubunto or whatever its called would be a good start?
                        I would suggest giving Debian (just plain old Debian) a try. There are a few flavors of Debian out there, and Ubuntu is one of them, but the strait up vanilla Debian, IMHO, is the best. That way you can see the core of the system and build from there. Its install might not be the easiest, but it's not really that hard.


