Jacked Up PC



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  • #46
    Honorary DSA

    Ok, it seems that I have a big decision on my hands. Intel or Amd. The thing with Amd is that it does not have 45nm support, but Intel does. Intel ,though, is not as good in gaming as Amd is apparently.

    "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


    • #47
      Honorary DSA
      • Jun 2005
      • 298
      • RiZZo0

      Well as far as gaming goes Intel beats AMD all the time! When you are talking LOW resolution benchmarks then sure anybody can go head to head and give each other a run for the money. However at then of the day when you speak of an Intel Quad Vs an AMD Quad at 3.0GHZ and above there is NO contest!

      And speaking of overclocking, have fun trying to get an AMD chip to overclock past ohhh idk 3Ghz if it can even make it that high. Also at the end of the day you WANT to overclock your chips to at least 3Ghz or higher just because its giving you more frames per seconds at higher resolutions.

      Now don't get me wrong if your just playing at a low resolution like 1280x1024 or 1440x900 then yea i guess you could make it by with an AMD chip and I'm not gonna knock them on having the cheapest quad core chips in the business. But at the end of the day if you want the most performance, future proofing, and best overclocking chips, then by all means go Intel.

      Also if you have been reading that ohhh AMD have TRUE quad cores, its all **** because yea so what maybe the Intel Quads aren't considered "true" quad cores but its still giving AMD a hell of a beating at the same stock speeds and once you overclock its like GOODBYE AMD!

      Basically a big factor is gonna be how much money are you willing to spend. I mean if you price an Intel setup and you find your spending WAY too much extra money on it versus an AMD setup then **** yea go with AMD. But I know you can easily build an Intel setup for just as cheap as an AMD setup and have double the performance. Lastly for gaming you REALLY only need a Dual Core, Quads are just fun to have for extra multitasking power as well as having ridiculous speed in encoding movies/music.


      • #48
        Honorary DSA

        Price should be under 2000 w/o shipping. Ok, heres the link to my Intel build possibility and my AMD build possibility(contributed generously by RaTix). If there are ever two of the same component i.e. 2 monitors, etc. then it means that I haven't decided between the two.



        There may be some discrepancies like what Ratix posted before. A nvidia SLI mobo and an ATI Crossfire card. These can be easily resolved anyways.

        "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


        • #49

          Unfortunately we cannot see in your account so those links won't work.

          But I know you can easily build an Intel setup for just as cheap as an AMD setup and have double the performance
          Bullshit and Grossly exaggerated. Unless your going to be overclocking, hell even if you are overclocking there is negligible difference in the chips except for price. As I said before (and even Rizzo, which makes the above line even more mind boggling), If your trying to save money on this then go AMD. If you don't care of the cost and want to pay extra for slightly better performance and better ability to overclock go Intel.
          I'll admit I'm slightly biased. I always use AMD simply because of the price and have never had any problem with low level overclocking (overclocking just enough to where I don't have to add extra cooling) to get close to or near Intel counterparts.
          I know Rizzo probably has the setup for major overclocking with Water cooling, after market fans and sinks, etc... Some of the Intels are a lot better with heat which is the major factor when considering overclocking, and is why he prefers Intels. If this is your first system you are building to learn more about PCs, then I wouldn't worry about overclocking at all and hence why I suggest the AMD. It'll save you money and your not losing out on much compared to the Intel.
          Of course this is considering you want a Quad Core. If you wanted a Dual core, Intel has some better top of the line chips over AMD, but again also more expensive and mainly if considering overclocking.

          Unless you want top of the line, you can build an AMD PC for cheaper then Intel at the about the same performance level.
          Once you take the overclocking out of the equation, Here's how they match up with price.

          AMD 3.0 GHz Dual Cores
          Athlon 64 X2 6000+ = $112
          Athlon 64 X2 5800+ = $89

          Intel Counterparts for Dual Cores @ 3.0 Ghz
          Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 = $199
          Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 = $169

          Honestly when it comes to Gaming, the CPU has little to do with it as it is more so the GPU of the GFX Cards that handles in game. So I would save the money on the CPU by going AMD then just use the extra cash saved on that for a top of the line GFX card. That's just my opinion though.

          "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
          ?Darth Plagueis

          "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


          • #50
            Honorary DSA

            Well, I have some extra money so that is not the issue. This is sort of a learning process. I mean, its no like I will be overclocking right away, maybe down the line sometime. But technology changes, and especially with intel. To me, they seem to be cranking out a variety of parts at ridiculous speeds. Idk. Now I'm confused. Maybe I'll just hover for a little bit to see who wins the AMD v.s. Intel war going on now.:)

            And whats an honorary DSA?

            "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


            • #51

              Maybe I'll just hover for a little bit to see who wins the AMD v.s. Intel war going on now.
              It's never gonna end, it's nothing new. AMD and Intel have been major competitors for years and years. AMD used to be far more superior then AMDs, and hence where my love for them began. Over the years and more recently Intel has caught up and surpassed AMD in some areas. But it's always back and forth with them and will never end.

              Honorary DSA are mostly old DSA members or close friends of mine that have more access then normal public site users.
              "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

              "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
              ?Darth Plagueis

              "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


              • #52
                Honorary DSA

                Since the AMD parts are lined up, I wanted to touch base on the intel line up. Is this a good Graphics Card? Here is the motherboard and the card.


                Mobo 1

                Mobo 2(As suggested by Brocman)

                "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


                • #53
                  Honorary DSA

                  Sorry for the double post.

                  "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


                  • #54
                    Imperial Guard
                    • Jun 2006
                    • 4051
                    • DSA norm

                    Heya Foos!

                    Looking at the reviews for the AMD Phenom it says it runs a little hot for the Mobo. If that's a concern you could get an AMD dual core and later on when the cooler AMD quad cores are released get one. I would feel comfortable saying that with a 6000+ Dual core you would be able to run today's games and 90% or better of the games coming out in the next year and a half. With that type of video card you shouldn't have any issues.

                    There will always be an exception to that rule like Crysis was. It caused a bunch of people to go from the 4000+ series to the 5000+ series and really bump up their Video cards. Even with that exception I'm pretty sure the 6000+ could handle it, especially with the video cards you are thinking about using..lol

                    Just another option for you.:D


                    • #55
                      Honorary DSA

                      Thanks norm. Lol, everything is on the table now.

                      "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


                      • #56
                        Honorary DSA

                        I am going to go Intel. Yeah it may be more expensive, but everyone I talk to and all the threads I see says it kicks AMD's ass, and all ass in general. But if it backfires, then I will take a look at AMD. This is a learning process for me, and if I do build another pc in the future, I will take a stab at amd. Now the only thing is a graphics card and a good SLI mobo. I put what I was looking at above.

                        As soon as this is settled, I probably will be building the pc. I thank everybody for their continued support and help. I don't know where I would be without your advice. If anybody has mind whopping evidence that proves that AMD destroys Intel, please present it now.:)

                        "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


                        • #57
                          Imperial Guard
                          • Jun 2006
                          • 4051
                          • DSA norm

                          This would make me reconsider Intel

                          The Tech Report article has some links to their PSU test and some other fun stuff.

                          The new card is pretty nice. I can't see myself ever paying the price for one, but wow..lol

                          http://www.techreport.com/articles.x/15009 might be of interest to you.

                          good step by step guide for guiding a PC http://www.techreport.com/articles.x/13671 It even talks about those awful connectors for the front panels.


                          • #58
                            Honorary DSA

                            Yeah, but AMD heats up like crazy, right? I mean, as you develop more powerful tech/devices, they use more energy which translates into heat.

                            "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


                            • #59
                              Honorary DSA

                              Here are the two graphics cards that I am considering for Intel.

                              Let me know if anything is better.

                              "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


                              • #60
                                Honorary DSA

                                IT WORKS!!!! I just finished building it and on the first boot up, it worked. I will have pucs up shortly. THanks for all the support guys. It was a great experience.

                                "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!!!', and I will whisper 'No.'". -Rorschach, Watchmen


