So, I'm trying to set up my 360 to my receiver. I get video, but no sound. This page:
says to connect your red and white stereo cables for sound?!? wtf. Do I need to go from the tv to the stereo? I wanted to route through my receiver instead of through the tv. Is this not possible? I had HDMI sound through my receiver at my mom's house when I went through the tv and then through the stereo. I just don't like running with my tv as the middle man.
EDIT: I swear I used to get HDMI sound. This article says I was on crack:
says to connect your red and white stereo cables for sound?!? wtf. Do I need to go from the tv to the stereo? I wanted to route through my receiver instead of through the tv. Is this not possible? I had HDMI sound through my receiver at my mom's house when I went through the tv and then through the stereo. I just don't like running with my tv as the middle man.
EDIT: I swear I used to get HDMI sound. This article says I was on crack: