PC Minecraft

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  • RaTix

    DSA Minecraft

    DSA Minecraft Server is UP!!

    Server Currently Running Tekkit 3.1.2

    [B]To Join you need to use Tekkit Client Launcher

    The Tekkit Launcher will NOT overwrite your .minecraft folder. It places all files in .techniclauncher instead.
    ( C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataRoaming.techniclauncher )

    ** IMPORTANT: If you get a Missing Mod error, you have to manually switch Tekkit to use the current dev version. To do this, open Tekkit Client Launcher, click on OPTIONS, then select "Manual Build Selection" and choose the latest Dev Build from the dropdown menu on top.

    Once game loads, go to Multiplayer and Add Server
    Server: DSA.ServeGame.com

    Multiple Worlds already added, with more to come.

    Planets / Worlds
    Alderaan (No perms/protections, classic MC World. Will get blown up from time to time)

    Plugins Added
    Citizens *removed until Citizens2 is released
    Towny Advanced
    PVP Arena
    Mob Arena

    ScreenShots of Worlds


    "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
    ?Darth Plagueis

    "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."
  • #2

    placeholder 2

    "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
    ?Darth Plagueis

    "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


    • #3
      Imperial Advisor
      • Dec 2009
      • 1909
      • DSA Cotto

      Cool that should help with the lag
      "Thrawn: "Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake, Ensign?"
      Colclazure: "No, sir."
      Thrawn: "Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." [points at Pietersen, Rukh kills him] "Dispose of it. The error, Ensign, has now been corrected. You may begin training a replacement."
      ―Grand Admiral Thrawn, punishing a naval officer for failure


      • #4

        Server is back up. First post updated with info to download Tekkitk and connect.

        "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
        ?Darth Plagueis

        "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


        • #5
          Imperial Advisor
          • Dec 2009
          • 1909
          • DSA Cotto

          So are we now running the latest version of minecraft?
          "Thrawn: "Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake, Ensign?"
          Colclazure: "No, sir."
          Thrawn: "Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." [points at Pietersen, Rukh kills him] "Dispose of it. The error, Ensign, has now been corrected. You may begin training a replacement."
          ―Grand Admiral Thrawn, punishing a naval officer for failure


          • #6

            Yes it 's running 1.1 now. You only need the Tekkit 2.0 launcher in the first post to join.

            "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
            ?Darth Plagueis

            "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


            • #7

              Updated main post.

              Apparenlty there is an error with the wireless redstones. You need to install the WirelessRedstoneClient.zip to your "%appdata%.techniclauncher ekkitmods" folder or get a BAD PACKET ID 235 crash when trying to use them.
              "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

              "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
              ?Darth Plagueis

              "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


              • #8

                Tekkit updated to 2.1.1. Check first post for important info on selecting which version to use or you will get a missing mod error.
                "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

                "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
                ?Darth Plagueis

                "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


                • #9
                  Imperial Advisor
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 1909
                  • DSA Cotto

                  I know we had some issues with mods not working a bit back, and I see the server not showing up in my minecraft server list. I was wondering if this projected died?

                  If we are waiting on mods to be updated could we vanilla the server up a little just play around in survival mode?
                  "Thrawn: "Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake, Ensign?"
                  Colclazure: "No, sir."
                  Thrawn: "Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." [points at Pietersen, Rukh kills him] "Dispose of it. The error, Ensign, has now been corrected. You may begin training a replacement."
                  ―Grand Admiral Thrawn, punishing a naval officer for failure


                  • #10

                    Sorry, I was doing work on the server PC and had shut some of the Hyper-Vs down. Forgot to turn that back on. Starting it up now.

                    And no, the project isn't dead. Just put on the back burner for a bit. I think it might be a good time to check on newer mod releases though.
                    "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

                    "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
                    ?Darth Plagueis

                    "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


                    • #11

                      Updated some stuff and made some changes.

                      Setup MySQL backend for mods that use it. Hopefully this helps speed things up a bit.

                      After switching Coruscant back to main world to get Ultimate Arena to work, was reminded of old problem of TerrainControl not working on main world. Finally found a fix, was to add the world and terrain control in the main bukkit.yml (really putting this here for my own sake).

                      Switched Dynmap to use MineWars Texture pack for map generation. Also set for Hi Res images.
                      - Installed dyn-mobs, dyn-towny, dyn-factions, dyn-worldguard addons.

                      Added a few other mods to test out
                      Towny Advanced
                      Hyperconomy (Dynamic Markets)
                      MagicSpells (have to configure fully still)
                      Bookworm (Can write to books, and works with MagicSpells mod for spell tomes)

                      "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

                      "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
                      ?Darth Plagueis

                      "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


                      • #12

                        Some ideas I want to jot down here so I don't forget. Feel free to chime in with ideas or feedback.

                        - paid for, protected non griefing areas. Maybe limit the ability to mine effectively.
                        - non faction oriented. Different, even warring factions can live together.
                        - Warring towns... able to destroy, or just kill?

                        Faction Claims
                        - free (only limited by faction power), Non protected areas. No restrictions on mining or building.

                        Freelance Claims? Not sure if we should allow non town, non faction people to just purchase land. Or setup plots near the major cities.
                        "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

                        "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
                        ?Darth Plagueis

                        "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


                        • #13

                          Frustrated. Both Factions and Towny have prevent wilderness damage settings, which I want. But if you enable on either, it will treat the other as a wilderness and not allow you to build/destroy on it. So I guess we'll just have to allow people to mine/build/whatever wherever they want. Just won't be protected at all.

                          Soo many plugins.. so hard to keep track..
                          "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

                          "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
                          ?Darth Plagueis

                          "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


                          • #14
                            Imperial Advisor
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 1909
                            • DSA Cotto

                            So I was looking through the mod descriptions and was thinking do we need SimpleRegionMarket. iConomy and Hyperconmy look to have everything covered.

                            Also it looks like you get more out of towny then factions.
                            "Thrawn: "Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake, Ensign?"
                            Colclazure: "No, sir."
                            Thrawn: "Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." [points at Pietersen, Rukh kills him] "Dispose of it. The error, Ensign, has now been corrected. You may begin training a replacement."
                            ―Grand Admiral Thrawn, punishing a naval officer for failure


                            • #15

                              I scrapped Factions. Instead went with a lighter xTeam mod. I basically wanted something that could have server wide teams to join as Empire or Rebel. So this gives a very basic Faction like function, without interfering with Towny. I think PVP will be disabled for everyone except for those in either faction/team. This way we have a peaceful option for casual players.

                              I also decided to install Heroes. With that we can setup classes, skills, leveling, and chain them however we want. So we can make people work up to becoming a Jedi or Sith. Restricting the Gold/Diamond swords and stuff that the minewars texture has as lightsabers to only those classes. There's plenty of other weapons for people to use, so I don' think that will be a big deal.
                              The classes can be chained like so,
                              Miner -> Blacksmith-> Weaponsmith
                              Hunter -> Warrior -> Soldier
                              Sort of like that. We can also use it to setup other types of classes and unlocks. Like making people level up crafting and work through different classes to unlock new items.
                              Like so, Crafter - Electrician -> Manufacturer, etc...
                              It also adds a party system to group up and share XP when killing mobs, questing and other shit.
                              Because of this, I removed the MagicSpells mod, as Heroes has the same things.

                              For the RegionMarket, I might keep it as I planned to use it to rent rooms in the server cities. There's no other easy way to do it. With that we just put a sign up and mark the room with a price/duration, and people can click to rent it.

                              I also found out how to add the new ores (tin, copper, emeralds, uranium, oil, etc.. ) to the worlds with TerrainControl. So I might have to crop chunks and regen a lot of the worlds. I'm trying to sort out now, which resources should be where, and how readily available. I'll try not to destroy your house Cotto, but I make no promises. lol
                              "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

                              "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
                              ?Darth Plagueis

                              "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."




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                              This is a public group for all players to meet, share, and find/organize games. This group encompasses all Minecraft games across all platforms, including but not limited to,

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                              Minecraft Platform Specific (Xbox One/Xbox 360/PS3/PS4/Wii/3DS/etc..)
                              Minecraft Java (Including Modded and custom servers)
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