Star card/Hero card builds and abilities

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  • Reaver
    Darth Vorse

    Star card/Hero card builds and abilities

    If you have a build, question, or ability line up. Heck maybe even all of the above, you can utilize this forum for that matter.

    I am a big HvV player, and one character I really enjoy playing is Kylo Ren. With his ability to do heavy damage with max sustain makes him a threat. The few cards I runare Resilience, Max pull, and Bloodlust. Between gaining max damage with fellow villains around you and the ability to strike many times with frenzy. That build makes him the most effective for my play style, especially when you invite the other team into a mean pull.

    As far as the light side goes, Yoda is the man. Running all 3 of his heal abilities or all 3 of his unleash abilities. His play style gives the ultimate game changer even in mid game. From running max health to the team or building up unleash volume for maximum damage and cast rate. He in my opinion is one of the highlighted heroes for team support.
    Last edited by Reaver; 01-11-2018, 10:52 PM.
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